Curating vs. Distilling

We at The Beautiful and the Damned are recognized for our skillful curation of whiskey. This means we painstakingly try to find the best representations of particular mash bills of whiskey from the premiere distilleries in the United States (give us time and we’ll expand that to world).


We look for the right mash bill, from the right distillery, on the right floor of the right warehouse, and pull it only after it has perfectly aged.

We do not distill as that is not our passion, but we do work hand in hand with the most talented distillers and blenders. This has resulted in our products being called the best representations of whiskey out of the distilleries we work with.

The Beautiful and the Damned is currently working with MGPI of Indiana for our current offerings, but will be exploring other distilleries in the near future.



We are always happy to connect with fellow whiskey aficionados. Type a message below and one of our Ambassadors will get back to you in short order.
